Making the decision to have a child - it's momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking outside your body.
Elizabeth Stone

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Baby Noah!!! (it's a boy!!)

23rd of April 2011 (20 weeks 1 day)

Hi Noah,

It was a pleasure to find out that you were a baby boy. Mommy was just so sure that you were a girl. Thinking back, at first I knew you were a boy. I am not sure why I started to have second guests about it. It really doesn’t matter anyways. Let me tell you a bit more about the ultrasound. Mommy had been excited for weeks and I couldn’t wait to find out your gender. I didn’t know it affected me this much but when we finally got to see you and that night I slept much better. It was actually the best night mommy had gotten in a while. The first thing the technician told us was that you were going to be able to see. That was already great news to us. She then checked everything; she was measuring this and that. She was explaining to us what she was doing. We saw your arms, your hands, your legs, your feet, your stomach, your heart, your blood vessels (the major ones) and so much more. We even got pictures of you to keep! It was wonderful. We couldn’t wait for her to tell us your gender…I mean, I was happy that everything was well but I WANTED to know!!! So we asked and she said she would try to find it out. She saw right away that you were a baby boy!! Now, I’m not going to lie, we were expecting her to say it was a little girl but honestly, at that very moment it didn’t even matter! You were perfect!! I didn’t even care about pink dresses or anything of the sort (although we got you a polo that has pink- it matches a polo dad has) all I wanted was dinosaurs and tons of blue!!

Daddy and I just stared at each other for a bit. I couldn’t tell is he was disappointed or not. Then we went shopping and he picked most of your clothes “No, take the darker one”  “Look at this one” “Meh” “that’s cute” “Mhm mmm”  I mean, he was INTO it. He was so happy that night, it was incredible. So, was he disappointed, NO! The next day I asked him to be honest and to tell me that he did want a boy and not a girl. He just replied ”yes! I’m a boy!!” and very honestly, I couldn’t be happier. I can’t believe we’re going to have a little boy in the family. Sonia is leaving so, we’ll be 2 girls for 3 boys…hmm. That never happened before. 

So, let me tell you how we told the family. First, daddy and I went straight to shop after we found out your gender. We did quite a few shops…we also got a cake (daddy’s favourite) and we came home. Grandpa, Grandma and Sonia were waiting for us. So, daddy and I put the cake in the fridge, hide a message in Soleil’s collar and went to place pieces of clothes in your future nursery. In order to find out your gender, grandma, grandpa and Sonia each had a mission. First, grandpa had to catch the cat. To do so, he had to get his candies, and shake them, then grab him and take off his collar. Then, Sonia had to find a hidden message on the cat’s collar. It was inside a little address thing and it said: Go to baby’s room. Once in the room, grandma was the first one going in and we had a white blanket that said “les petits garcons sont un cadeau du ciel” meaning that Little boys are a gift from the sky. She was way too nervous to understand that and honestly, she was so sure it was a girl that she just said “it’s a girl!!” then, Sonia read it and started jumping around and saying “IT’S A BOYYYYY” We were all really happy. Grandma turned out happy to see that you were a Noah and grandpa was on a cloud (FINALLY a boy). It’s funny because I’m writing this and I’m as excited as the day we found out AND you’re kicking me like crazy. I’m so happy to have you Noah. Daddy and Mommy already love you SO much. You cannot even imagine. Then, we all had cake and we went to tell Titia and Titio that you were a boy by bringing them cake! Titio is thrilled to know that you are “like him.” We also told grand-maman and arriere grand-maman. I texted grand-maman and asked her to make a wish. She made a wish and I told her you were a baby boy!!! Grand-papa didn’t want to know. After putting pictures of your ultrasound all over Facebook I guess it made it hard for him to “not want to know.” I knew he would eventually find out! I hoped so because I really wanted him to know. 

So, technically, we have very few people who really thought knew your gender. On the blog, we had 9 people out of 34 saying you were a boy (27 saying you were a girl) and on a forum, we had 66% of the members telling us you were a girl as supposed to 33% who thought you were a boy. I promised the girls that I would mention their usernames on here so here it goes:

These girls have super powers and just KNEW you were a boy:
aeryfaery7, Ashley Renee, Barby..mama2be..., Cadence45, courtnik1, flashofpassion808, Ginrhea, goddesskieryn, Hellohoney, lilmama28, Loz189, MandersMny, Raezy, semper83, Sharon410, tattoomomma, tifferzzz7, Tori369

Congrats girls!!! You have amazing future telling/ baby gender knowing skills. 

Well Little Noah, that will be all for this time. Once again, I can’t believe I’m having a baby boy! I’m so happy. Thank you for making Daddy and me so happy, we love you so much.

Be safe in there!!
Love you,

Daddy and Mommy

Noah's arm and hand

Noah's boy parts

Noah's legs

Noah's foot

Noah's hand


1 comment:

  1. We were sure that Gavin was a girl. Alan had said girl from the day he found out, and every old wive's tale we did said girl. Of course, Gavin is no girl, and I wouldn't have it any other way!
