Making the decision to have a child - it's momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking outside your body.
Elizabeth Stone

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Noah and Mommy updates!

10th may 2011 (22 weeks 4 days)

Hey Noah!!

It’s been a long time since Mommy wrote to you. I’m sorry for that we’ve had a lot of things to do. You know how we finished school, right? Well Mommy decided to take a summer class in order to have one less class to do when Mommy goes back to school. Like that, we’ll be able to spend more time together. So we started a summer class; philosophy of education and we like it Oh how much. It’s really boring but we do what we have to do. We got must of our results for our courses. We did fairly well! I’m sure you helped me through the semester. We only have one result left and it’s actually the hardest test we have taken. So I’m a bit concerned but no matter what the results are, I’ll manage. Thinking about it, we probably did well but Mommy worries.

There are so much more fun things in life than talking about school. Since vacations started we weren’t able to see our friends a lot. We do keep ourselves busy by taking walks, being online and sleeping a lot. It’s crazy how exhausted I can feel sometimes. We slept 8 hours last night and we napped 5 hours during the day. That makes a total of 13 hours!! That’s more hours asleep than awake. Poor Daddy, he tries to match our hours of sleep but he gets up tired because he got a small 6 hours or less before he has to go to school. Yeah, that’s right, Daddy is back to school. We get to see him more often that way, he doesn’t have a “stable” schedule but at least he isn’t gone from 8-6 like when he’s working. I miss him a lot during the day, specially that now we’re not at school and have less things to do. I try to keep us busy by preparing your arrival, it’s still so early but I’m starting to get things done. I’ve washed all your clothes and placed them in their containers for now. It’s really cute but when we get the furniture we’ll move some of the stuff out of the containers and out to the drawers. Makes sense no? We haven’t started to prepare your nursery yet. We are waiting for summer to start and for Daddy to get some days off. We have to paint the nursery first. So far we’re set on blue but we’re not too sure yet. As for the furniture itself, we have no idea. We know we want a crib and something to put your clothes. As for the rest, we’re really not sure. It doesn’t worry us much as you might imagine. Everything will work out and honestly I’m 100% sure the room will look nice no matter what. Daddy and me will put lots of effort and love in this nursery so it can’t make look bad. Maybe you’ll look at picture of your nursery in 20 years and think: what the hell were you thinking? Haha…I hope not!! Other than that, we have been getting you cloth diapers and some regular diapers. Daddy and I want you to use regular diapers for the first month since you’ll poop a lot and that, from what I heard, it’s impossible to take off from a washable diaper. After that, we want to use cloth diapers. Not only is it less expensive on the long run but it’s also better for the environment. I truly hope you’ll enjoy them because see Mommy doesn’t enjoy doing laundry but she’ll have to either way. Actually, titia is the one who got you the cloth diapers. Grandma and grandpa got you a super cute mobile, the Tiny Love one. It plays Mozart or Bethoveen OR sounds of nature. It can play music up to 20 minutes, that’s great! I hope you’ll enjoy listening to it! It might become your ritual every night. Mommy and Daddy got you a play and exercise mattress. You’ll be able to roll all over it and play.

On the 5th it was Sonia’s birthday! We had cake! Yum! Sadly, it was the day before going to the doctor (being weighted) so we didn’t eat as much as we wanted (that’s not a bad thing though). We got her a coffee machine…I think she liked it. The next day we had our doctor appointment. Good news! Mommy has just the right amount of proteins in her urine. So, false alarm about proteins in urine. When we took the strip test it did come back with presence of proteins. So the doctor just thinks it will do that during the whole pregnancy but that it is not dangerous. So that’s for that. Your heartbeat was perfect and my uterus (our uterus- recently it’s been your uterus) is measuring just right. Tomorrow we are seeing out midwife so I expect her to say about the same thing…we’ll see. I get more information out of her though hehe. Also, this was Daddy’s first doctor appointment visit with Mommy. He was able to hear your heartbeat. Sadly, he couldn’t make the difference between you moving sound and your actual heartbeat. It is confusing if no one tells you about it but Mommy was a bit far to explain it to him. Hopefully the midwife will tell him more about it but he can’t come tomorrow, so eventually.

Last Sunday was also Mother’s day! Daddy and I had agreed that my first real mother day would be next year with you here with us. Oddly enough, you still manage to get me a card and a gift! I think you planned it with grandma! Either way, thank you! Not only do you make me the happiest mother ever but you also spoil me! Don’t inverse roles here Little one! You also gave me a blanket (for you) and an elephant toy (for you!). It was much appreciated!

Before I let you go, can we talk about something? You know my sciatic nerve? The one of my left leg that you enjoy sitting on and sleeping on? I would REALLY appreciate it if you could stop that. It hurts! I don’t mind you kicking me and everything but I think that since you’re inside of MY body, it would be nice if you could try not to hurt my leg so much that it makes me fall. That’s it. If you wish to continue though, and if it’s really comfortable, I guess you can stay there. Not like I have a choice…

I love you a lot Little Noah!

Daddy and I think about you every day!! We already have so many plans for you!

Take care Little Noah and swim safely away from the sciatic nerve!

Mommy and Daddy

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