Making the decision to have a child - it's momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking outside your body.
Elizabeth Stone

Monday, April 11, 2011

Two appointments and mixed news

11 of April 2011 (18 weeks 3 days)

Hey Little Pickle!

This hopefully is your last week of us calling you something else than your name. We’re finding our next Monday (in a week) if you’re a Miss Pickle or a Mister Pickle. If you collaborate of course (please collaborate). We also booked your 3D/4D ultrasound. It’s going to be in June so in a while…you’ll be 26 weeks then. The beauty of it is that grandma and grandpa and the rest of the family can view the ultrasound live! I’m so excited!

We had a busy week. First, Thursday we had an appointment with our midwife. She has a student that will be with us until June. It’s really too bad because she’s great. Anyways, it’s much more fun than at the doctor’s office. She really takes the time to get to know us she asked us a lot of questions about how we felt, if the pregnancy was planned, etc. They really want us to feel comfortable with them. After asking all the questions, she asked me to lay down on a bed!! A bed! And she tried to find your heartbeat. The student tried to find it and she wasn’t able to. We were able to feel the vibrations you were making but no heartbeat itself. I won’t lie, I was getting worried but then the midwife tried with her Doppler and there you were! Running around everywhere. We couldn’t get your heartbeat for more than 5 seconds at a time. You were just so active. You’re heartbeat was at 156bpm which is fairly good! Mommy’s pressure was also pretty good and everything was going well. We came home and had a good night of sleep. Then, when I woke up the next day, I realized why you were so active. Mommy had gone to Starbucks right before going to her appointment and she got a caramel Frappuccino. It’s full of caffeine and sugar. I totally forgot to ask them to make it without caffeine. Poor you, I’m sorry!

The next day (Friday) we went to the doctor. Mommy has proteins in her urine…we need to figure out what is happening. I’m confident that it’s nothing but who really knows. It could mean anything from nothing to degenerative kidney disease. We’ll go for the nothing. Daddy is not worried at all and he usually has a good feeling for these things but *shh* don’t tell him. So we have to do a 24hour urine collect. We’ll pee in a jar all day long…fun! Other than that, my uterus  - your dome- was doing great. It measured 18 cm on Friday which is excellent because you are 18 weeks. It works this way; by every pregnant week, your uterus should grow one centimeter up. So you’re doing great Everything else was fine during that appointment. We were able to hear your heartbeat without you running everywhere (I guess it was the lack of caffeine ;) ) and the doctor didn’t tell me how many bpm it was but I’m sure it was great. 

Mommy is trying so hard not to buy you clothes. I know that next week I’ll be able to get pink or blue! We still think you are a girl but who knows. I’ll be happy if you are a boy. I think that was it for this week. Two major appointments and little tests and homework here and there. We have a huge oral to prepare for tomorrow. We need to make sure we get a good grade on that one. OH! And we passed the TECFEE and our French class. We are so done with French! Yay!

We love you Little Pickle, take much care. Don’t exhaust yourself swimming around.

Love you,
Mommy and Daddy

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