October 30th 2011 (5 weeks old)
Dear Noah,
You’re growing up so fast. I can’t believe how much you’ve changed. Some of your newborn clothes don’t fit anymore and the blankets we used at the hospital are getting too small to swaddle you. I just don’t know, it seems like we just got out of the hospital and yet it also feel like I know you since ever. Weird huh?
You currently weight 4900 grams (you’re gaining about 40 grams per day) and you’re growing very tall. Actually, the only reason why your newborn clothes still fit you is because you’re long, not big. Anyways, I know you’re young and everything but here is my first piece of advice for you; if you decide to procreate in the future, do it with someone that is very patient or be extremely patient yourself. It takes skills to handle you baby Noah…
First, YOU decide how you want to be handled. If you want to stand, you stand. If you want to sit, we must sit you. If you want to fly, we better make sure we make you fly. Here is what I don’t understand. When we make you “fly” we do the exact same movement as the very expensive swing we got you- WHY do you not like the swing but adore our arms?
Second, when you are not happy, you’re really not happy. You seriously scream bloody murder. I don’t even know why it happens. Sometimes I seriously believe that you cry just to cry. Everything is fine with you, you’re content and all of a sudden you decide to start crying. Okay…well. We hold you (in 10000 different positions trying to soothe you) and listen to you cry. Let me tell you, I’ve heard better music.
Third, you don’t seem to enjoy sleep as much as mommy and daddy do. We put you to sleep everything seems fine when all of a sudden you wake up after 15 minutes. Seriously? 15 minutes? You think that’s enough? So we put you back to sleep. And you wake up after another 15 minutes. I don’t know if you enjoy making us go crazy but we really really like it when you sleep for 2-3 hours in a row. Keep doing that. Try to reduce the 15 minutes naps.
Forth, will you ever get off that boob? It seems like I feed you every hour for 1 hour each time. Seriously. Grow your own!
That being said, daddy and I really enjoy having you around. Sure it’s not easy but it’s so worth it. Sometimes we’ll be exhausted or upset because we can’t figure what’s wrong with you and you just give us one of those cute smiles or you just do something cute in general (like punch yourself in the face and start crying) and we just forget all the rest. You’re getting pretty good at drinking. I just put you near the nipple and you can find it by yourself. I barely have to hold it. We are also trying new breastfeeding positions. So far so good. I can officially say that I can sleep while you’re breastfeeding. The problem with that is that when you’re no longer on the breast, I dream that you are. Oh well.
You’re also becoming much more vocal. You make a lot of new sounds and you enjoy repeating them over and over. It’s exciting! Soon you’ll be able to let us know what’s up with you and why you’re crying. Oh! And you can finally stay in your crib looking at your mobile for a good 10-15 minutes. Woohooo!!!! Mommy can actually go to the bathroom without you! Honestly, it feels great. You seem pretty happy when hear and see the mobile play. So I’m guessing you really enjoy it. The only thing left now is to like you’re swing.
Almost forgot, you don’t scream bloody murder anymore when we give you a bath or when we change your diaper. You actually like warm (hottish) baths and you cry when we take you out- or when the water gets cold. As for diapers (by the way you’ve gone through +400 in two months- no kidding), you are okay with it. You’re not happy but you’re not crying which is a great improvement.
I can’t wait to see you grow a little more and at the same time, I don’t want time to go by so fast.
We love you little bean, be good and sleep at night,
Mommy & Daddy
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