of December 2011 (13 weeks and 2 days)
sorry for not writing as much on the blog. There is so much to write about. I’m
sorry also that I won’t be writing a lot but I am currently holding you. Yep,
you fell asleep on my boob- again. You seem to enjoy falling asleep that way
and I enjoy it too since I can be at the computer while you’re sleeping.
wish I could write about all the progress you have done since my last post but
I don’t think that will be possible so let’s only talk about the basics.
Feeding wise it’s going okay. Only okay because in late November (when you were
2 months old) you got a cold. Nothing big but your appetite dropped and so did
your weight. So we had to feed you more often, well actually force you to take
the breast because you didn’t want to eat. Then you got your 2 month old shots
and you got a more sick. You didn’t react very well. So you wouldn’t nurse
during the day, just at night. You FINALLY got better around mommy’s birthday
and you started to nurse all-the-time. I can’t complain though, I am happy that
you’re healthy. You gained 500 grams since you have been feeling better.
than that, you started to be able to roll over from your back to your tummy in
early December. Now (well today to be precise) you started to be able to roll
back and forth. That means you pick your sleeping position! Love that…we don’t
have to guess anymore how you want to sleep. Let’s move on to a different
topic…sleeping. It’s going very well. We co-sleep and you sleep very well with
us. You usually start sleeping around 11h30pm and you wake up around 11h00am…That’s
actually great-thanks baby! I really love sleeping with you.
also started to grab objects. By objects I mean anything. We have to keep you
distant from everything. You also started to grab the cat… That’s well, he
doesn’t like it.
cooing much more and you’re actually pronouncing some syllables- just not
together. To summarize it all, you’ve grown so fast.
and Daddy love you very much Noah!
I am so sorry that I wasn’t able to keep up with this blog. Taking care of a
newborn isn’t exactly relaxing hehe. Specially Noah…
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