Making the decision to have a child - it's momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking outside your body.
Elizabeth Stone

Friday, January 21, 2011

Little Bean's sicknesses

21 of January 2011 (7 weeks)

Happy 7 weeks Little Bean!!!

How does it feel to be down there? I bet you’re feeling warm and comfortable. If not, it will come eventually. Sometimes I feel you stretch my uterus, so I know you are making room for yourself. Well, good for you, keep growing and one day you’ll grow up to be a great man or a great woman, I am so sure of that. No matter what happens in life, I want you to remember that you were wanted and waited for. You won the sperm race (I’ll maybe show you that video someday) and you turned out to be you out of all other possibilities. You already fought to live and that’s why I’m sure you can accomplish great things in your life.

As a matter of fact, you’re already accomplishing a lot in my life. You are making me care about someone like I have never had. I really want the best for you and for the family. You are also making daddy and mommy think about more serious things like parenting and savings. We have great ideas and at night we can discuss a long time about what we think is best for you. It’s not always easy. We want to give you everything and every opportunity. We want to be with you though all your successes and your failures. I know mommy and daddy might seem strict sometimes but we don’t want you to commit the same mistakes we have done and we don’t want to reproduce the same mistakes our parents have done. One day you will tell us “why can’t I live my own experiences” and the answer will be “because we know what it leads to”. Trust us, we wouldn’t harm you in any way, I promise. 

We would be bad parents if we just let you go your way. You need to make your own decisions, yes, but you need to think through fully about what you decide. Anyways, you are so young. Let’s not get into this now. Let’s talk about the fact that you are making my body go insane. Did you know Little Bean that you are as big as a “tic tac” mint right now? Yes, that’s small BUT as small as you are, you are causing my hormones to go crazy. I wake up sick and I go to bed sick. I cannot get enough of 15 hours of sleep. I want to throw up, I want to sleep, I want to eat and then I want to throw up again. The circle never ends. 

I was at a restaurant with a friend today, and as I coughed, I threw up all the nice meal we had gotten. Oh well. I guess we didn’t get many vitamins there. Good thing grandma made soup. Also, today was your first visit at the Museum. Of course, you couldn’t see but let me tell you, it was not the best exposition that mommy has seen. Very gore and painful. Not something for a 7 week old like you. 

I think this week was a good week Little Bean, mommy had to leave some classes because she was feeling bad but it was, none the less, a good week. I think that this next week will be full of body pain but you know what, bring it on Little Bean. If it means that you are healthy and that you’re doing good, just keep it coming (I will regret saying this). I’m so happy I got you. Daddy is super happy too. Grandma asked me if I had thought of names for you. I do. Alicia Marie or Jonathan Edward. She liked Alicia and dislikes Jonathan so let’s hope you are a girl. Oh, by the way, everyone thinks you are a girl but grandpa wants a boy. He says he’s tired of living in a girl’s world. I think you’re a boy…

I love you Little Bean, with all my heart.
Mommy and Daddy.

P.S. Daddy is the one who kisses and touches you a lot.

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