Making the decision to have a child - it's momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking outside your body.
Elizabeth Stone

Saturday, January 29, 2011

8 weeks Little Bean!!!

29th of January 2011 (8 weeks and 1 day)

Hello Little Bean,

Woah, we are exhausted. We didn’t get to nap today but that’s fine. That just means we’ll sleep really well tonight. My eyes can’t…remain open. I really wanted to write to you though to discuss our week. Can we say that we are miserable? Morning, middle and night sicknesses really got a hold of us. I’m happy that I don’t always throw up, I can at least keep some stuff down there for us. 

So, we agree that our week was not great. That’s fine. I’m so happy to see that you are healthy though. I would go through this anytime for you (but it would nice not to). Yesterday we went bowling with Konrad, Sonia and daddy. We had LOTS of fun. To be honest, it had been a while since I had that much fun. It felt good to go out and move. We didn’t get to win any of the 4 games but it’s okay; daddy won two of them. Then we went to Rockaberry and I think Mommy had more calories in one piece of pie and a milk shake that she has gotten in the whole week (sugar wise). Oh well, no sugar for us this week!
Other than that, I met grandma David today. Of course, she has no idea that you’re in there. I don’t want to tell them right away. I would feel so bad if…well, you know. Bah, forget it! I’ll surprise her for mother’s day or I’ll surprise grandpa David when it will be father’s day. We’ll see. Grandma David was telling me about cute traditions they have in their family. It sounds super cute =). 

Well Little Bean, that’s going to be it for now. Mommy is really really really tired! Oh, by the way, Mommy didn’t forget. Happy 8 weeks!!! Sorry I didn’t get to say this before!! As I explained, bowling and tiredness played a big impact on Mommy. 

Daddy and mommy love you, I bet you felt daddy poking you today. 

Take care Little bean, be safe in there.

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