Making the decision to have a child - it's momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking outside your body.
Elizabeth Stone

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

My Irish twins are playing together

Big moment here. Emma and Noah finally started to play peacefully with each other. It took about 20 months for them to get along. I’ll take that… They took turns at riding the horse and at riding the big truck together. They also have this game where they “tag” each other and run around in circles together. When Emma is tired and sits down Noah encourages her to come back and play. It’s really incredible, a few weeks ago Noah didn’t want Emma touch his toys or be near him at all. It’s a huge improvement and I’m very happy about it. I’m quite sure Emma is also thrilled… She finally gets to touch Noah’s toys and be near Noah without him wanting to beat her up (yeah he can get a little violent.)

I don’t have much else to add but it’s a pretty good success. It feels really nice to see them play together and act friendly.

I’m also excited about this week end. We are going back to town! We’re actually going to be there by tonight… We’ll get to spend some quality time with family and I have a great Saturday night planned… So, two good things happening this week huh? I guess it’s just a good day.

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