Making the decision to have a child - it's momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking outside your body.
Elizabeth Stone

Friday, November 23, 2012

Noah is 14 months!

13 months and 2 weeks

Dear Noah!

Wow! It’s been forever. I’m sorry mommy couldn't update as much as she wished.  So many things have happened.  To start off, we moved in May. Totally different city but not too too far away from home. Then, daddy started working full time. He loves what he is doing but sadly we don’t get to see him as much. Then, mommy never mentioned this before, but I got pregnant with your sister when you were 8 weeks old….a while ago. She was born in early September; you weren't even a year old. It’s so difficult to raise two kids under one. Daddy and I are making it work though. We have our little schedule and we stick by it. Anyways, here are some updated regarding yourself and your achievements.

Teething:  So, at 6 months you had your front left bottom tooth. At 7 months, you got your left right bottom tooth. Then, at 8 months, you got both of your from top tooth. At 10 months, you got your right lateral incisor tooth and a few weeks later, your left lateral incisor tooth. At 11 months (close to 12 months), you got both of your lateral incisor. Right now, you have your right canine coming in.
Eating: Right now, you eat everything we do. You don’t have any known allergies. As a newborn, your favorite puree food was butter squash. You could eat up to 4 jars a meal. Your favorite meat is chicken and favorite fruit is apples or blueberries depending on your mood. As of right now, your favorite meat is ham, your favorite fruit is banana or apples and you enjoy eating pasta a lot.

Walking: You took your first two steps in the playroom of our first house when someone (I can’t remember who) was holding you and let you go. You took two steps towards me before realizing it would be easier to just crawl. You were about 8 months and a half. At 9 months, you were walking without falling too much. By 11 months you would never fall when you were walking. Now, at almost 14 months, you can run, dance, and jump (kind of).

Talking: Your first words were mamamamma and dadadadada at around 4-5 months. Just before you turned one, you started saying “Da qua” which means “give me” in Portuguese. You also say mamah and dadah and Emma. You call the cat “ka” and the boobies “boo” or boobi”. Yup, that’s about it… You also communicate…yes lol. When we ask you “where is X or Y person or thing” you’ll point to it.

Sleeping: You’re hell to put to sleep and you sleep like crap. How’s that? You go to bed at 11pm, you wake up on average 4-5 times a night and you still need to be nursed to sleep. How fun?

Also, here is your routine for now: You wake up at around 9am, then you have your breakfast (toast, eggs or cereals), then you play in the playroom until about 1pm. Then we eat lunch, you nap, you wake up around 4-5 ish. Then it’s play time again and then we go for a walk with daddy and Emma. We come back at around 8-9pm. Then it’s your bath time, read a story time and bed time.

Yup, that sums it up… You’re not an easy baby to deal with but we love you with all our hearts and we are trying our very best to satisfy all of your needs. You are a great individual and it’s amazing to see you grow. Thank you for being so awesome and for being part of our lives.

We love you!!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Your Achievements!

22nd of April 2011 (6 months and 4 weeks)

Hi Noah!

I’m taking some time while you’re napping to write to you. It’s been such a long time but I feel no real guilt as I’ve been constantly talking to you during the day (OH and you reply!). However, I do want to put some of your milestones in here, so that one day, you hopefully read this and know what you did and when you did it. 

Starting to coo: In December…So when you were about 3 months old, you really started to coo and to do it loudly!
Able to stand up while being assisted: January 25th (5 months). Daddy would hold you and you would be able to stand up and even mimic walking. 

Able to sit: January 29th (5 months). You were able to sit on your own without falling. 

Starting to crawl (able to crawl with hands but unable to move legs): February 17th (4 months and 3 weeks). You figured it out pretty fast. You would go from trying to crawl to sit! (super cute).

Stand up without assistance (but holding yourself on furniture): 7th of March (5 months 2 weeks). We left you in your bassinette (highest level) and we came back to find a suicidal baby ready to jump out of it. Heart attack….

Eating and crawling: 16th of March (5 months and 3 weeks). We gave you some cantaloupe and broccoli though baby lead weaning (you eat by yourself) and you were fine. However, you didn’t eat too much, so we decided to try purees for a while and then we’ll move into BLW. As for crawling, you just woke up one day and you were able to crawl. Yeah, you even got better at it now…

Teething: 20th of April (6 months and 4 weeks). Dad and I noticed a white bump on your gum on the beginning of April. However it went away. It wasn’t until the  20th that your Godmother and grandma noticed a tooth cutting in. It’s your left bottom front teeth. 

First words: Around 4-5 months. When you were upset you would say “mamamamamamama.” Eventually you also learned to say “mum” “Dada” “Gaga” and a whole bunch of new words and syllables. 

Sleeping without needing us there all the time: Mid 6 months. And let me tell you, it’s very appreciated!

As for breast milk: you are still being breastfed exclusively.

These are some of your achievements so far. We are so proud of you and cannot wait to see you grow…but please take your time.

We love you Baby!!

Finally some news!

27th of December  2011 (13 weeks and 2 days)

Hey Noah,

I’m sorry for not writing as much on the blog. There is so much to write about. I’m sorry also that I won’t be writing a lot but I am currently holding you. Yep, you fell asleep on my boob- again. You seem to enjoy falling asleep that way and I enjoy it too since I can be at the computer while you’re sleeping.
I wish I could write about all the progress you have done since my last post but I don’t think that will be possible so let’s only talk about the basics. Feeding wise it’s going okay. Only okay because in late November (when you were 2 months old) you got a cold. Nothing big but your appetite dropped and so did your weight. So we had to feed you more often, well actually force you to take the breast because you didn’t want to eat. Then you got your 2 month old shots and you got a more sick. You didn’t react very well. So you wouldn’t nurse during the day, just at night. You FINALLY got better around mommy’s birthday and you started to nurse all-the-time. I can’t complain though, I am happy that you’re healthy. You gained 500 grams since you have been feeling better. Awesome.

Other than that, you started to be able to roll over from your back to your tummy in early December. Now (well today to be precise) you started to be able to roll back and forth. That means you pick your sleeping position! Love that…we don’t have to guess anymore how you want to sleep. Let’s move on to a different topic…sleeping. It’s going very well. We co-sleep and you sleep very well with us. You usually start sleeping around 11h30pm and you wake up around 11h00am…That’s actually great-thanks baby! I really love sleeping with you.

You also started to grab objects. By objects I mean anything. We have to keep you distant from everything. You also started to grab the cat… That’s well, he doesn’t like it.
You’re cooing much more and you’re actually pronouncing some syllables- just not together. To summarize it all, you’ve grown so fast. 

Mommy and Daddy love you very much Noah!
P.S. I am so sorry that I wasn’t able to keep up with this blog. Taking care of a newborn isn’t exactly relaxing hehe. Specially Noah…