September 2nd 2011 (39 weeks)
Hey Little hmm…Kinda big Bean..
A few weeks ago we had this huge event. I’m guessing you remember it because Mommy had lots of sugar to eat and we did a lot of exercise that day. It was Sonia’s and Konrad’s wedding! I wanted to write a bit about the wedding but mostly write about tips for pregnant ladies out there attending weddings.
So, about the wedding, it was really nice. Very traditional and simple and it really represented Sonia and Konrad. Everything going from the mass celebration to the reception was excellent. We had a very pleasant night. We had lots of virgin pinacoladas… and lots of sweets…as I mentioned. We ended up gaining 2.5 pounds in 1 week. It’s fine though, we haven’t taken any more weight since then but it was scary…Damn good food…
Now, for all you pregnant ladies out there that are pregnant and assisting weddings, I have great advice for you especially if you are in the bridal party.
- Get a good night of sleep: Don’t go to bed late. Get as much sleep as possible. This is important because when pregnant and tired your system tends to get back at you. You feel nauseous, your head spins, you are dehydrated and you end up throwing up. All things that are not fun at a wedding. If you are a guest, you can always leave early if you don’t feel good but when you are part of the bridal party, you want to be there and actually be part of the wedding. If you have difficulties sleeping and you have medication against nausea (such as diclectin) take one pill or two (whatever your usual dosage is) before going to bed. You might feel sleepy during the morning though (I was sleeping at the hairdresser).
- Feel comfortable: I was 8 months pregnant at my sister’s wedding. My major concern was to get a dress that would fit. We didn’t take any chance and got it custom made. I was pretty satisfied. I suggest you doing that if you can’t find anything that fits (or you’re afraid not to find anything.) In my case, it cost me about the same price as buying a dress. Next; shoes. Please, please, PLEASE don’t bring new shoes. If you do, make sure you have an extra pair of shoes. Yes- even when it’s flip flops. Your feet might be swollen by the end of the night; it might just hurt with new shoes (even if they felt super comfy at first).
- Don’t be afraid to sit down: If you’re tired, if your feet start to hurt, if you’re having contractions and if you feel weak just sit down. Even if everyone is standing up, just sit down. The reason is pretty simple; if you keep standing up you’ll end up with swollen feet, with stronger Braxton hicks or you might faint. So do yourself (and everyone else) a favor and just sit down if you don’t feel well.
- Eat slowly: You should know by now that your stomach is sort of compressed by hum…the baby. If you eat too fast you might suddenly feel like you’re going to throw up. Take your time to digest and to appreciate your meal. Also, stay hydrated. I can’t remember how much water I had and I still felt that I needed more (granted it was a super-hot day.)
- Dance, drink & have fun: Being pregnant is not a disease so don’t act like you’re sick (unless you’re actually not feeling well). Instead go down to the dance floor, enjoy the dances, participate in games and have fun. Also, it’s not because you’re pregnant that you can’t drink…go to the bar and ask for virgin drinks…pina coladas, Shirley temples and daiquiris are all excellent drinks (well to my liking.)
This is my advice for you ladies. It’s perfectly doable to attend a wedding while pregnant (obviously). Just keep in mind to feel comfortable and to enjoy your time.
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