Making the decision to have a child - it's momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking outside your body.
Elizabeth Stone

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Bleeding at 27 weeks

26th of June 2011 (27 weeks)

Hey Baby Noah!!

I am writing this extremely late. I am currently 29 weeks pregnant but I really wanted to tell you how our 27 week went by. I think I will remember that Monday my whole life.
The week end had been great and everything was going for the best. Sunday night, Mommy went to the bathroom. When she wiped she saw a bit of blood on the toilet paper. Nothing to worry about, it happens when the skin is dry. Daddy came into the bathroom when I was about done and I told him that I was bleeding but that I wasn’t too worried. When I got up to flush, we both noticed there was blood in the water. We weren’t too happy but we weren’t worried either. 

Around 10pm, before going to bed, Mommy went to pee again and she was bleeding. A little more than before. I was sure it wasn’t bloody discharge because I wiped before peeing and everything was fine. It’s when I wiped after peeing that there was blood in the toilet paper. So I had blood in my urine. I looked it up online and everything was leading towards a urinary tract infection which sounded really odd to me because I didn’t have any symptoms at all. Usually, when I get UTI’s I can’t pee, it hurts, my bladder feels constantly full, etc. Nothing this time. 

Daddy and I still managed to sleep but we were worried. At 1 am I woke up and went to the bathroom again. I had more blood. It was more intense and the blood was getting darker (so it went from pale pink to hot red.) At that point, I couldn’t sleep anymore. I was dead worried about you. I didn’t care about me…all I wanted was to know you were okay. Although you were moving and being very active I wanted more. I wanted to KNOW for sure that there was no harm done to you and that you would be fine. So many thoughts went through my head and I ended up falling asleep out of extreme tiredness. At 6 am I was awake. I went to pee and there was more blood. I called my midwife right away. We had just gotten a new phone and it didn’t dial properly my midwife. I wasn’t aware of that. I waited and waited for her to call me back. I called her colleague and the midwife on call. Couldn’t get through any of them because of the new phone but I was worrying and worrying. I finally decided to call from my cell phone. I got through my midwife’s colleague (it was my midwife’s day off). 

She told me to go to the hospital because if it was an infection she wouldn’t be able to give me the appropriate medication (midwives can only prescribe certain medications). She sent my medical record to Lasalle hospital and told me to go in that they were expecting me.

It took Daddy and I a long time to get there. An hour at least. We were worried and tired. As soon as we arrived, the nurse gave me a room and told me to give two urine samples. If there was an infection, she would fine out an hour later with one of the samples. The other one was for a culture. So I gladly peed in her two samples and I found out that I had no more bleeding. Then, I was connected to a monitor for about 40 minutes. You were being very active and your heartbeat was doing great. When the nurse came to check on me she saw that you were doing great and that Mommy had no contractions…Good!

Mommy was also served a hot meal. Now I had never realized how much hospital food sucked but I was so hungry that it was GREAT! I shared the meal with Daddy though- he was also hungry. After that, Mommy was falling asleep. She kind of fell asleep in the hospital bed but it was cold.  The nurse finally came back about two hours later to tell us that the first urine sample came back normal and that the doctor says it happens to have blood in the urine while pregnant, so she wasn’t worried since it stopped. So we were allowed to leave. And we left…

So far, Mommy didn’t have any more bleeding at all. My midwife thinks it’s because I drank too much and my kidneys didn’t have time to filtrate everything. Perhaps that’s what it is. I’m just happy that everything turned out to be good. I had previously realized how much I cared for you but I honestly never knew how much Daddy and I would worry about you. We didn’t even meet you yet and we love you and care about you so much. We spent a night and a day worried and expecting the very best and preparing for the worse. It’s crazy how much your mind wonders. We were never scared of losing you but premature birth did come to mind. You are very precious to us and we love you Baby Noah. You’ll always be our growing Little Bean. 

That’s sadly the memory I keep of your 27th week…

We love you very much and I can’t wait to meet you (but in a few weeks)! 
Take care of yourself Baby Noah. Daddy and Mommy love you A LOT!!

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