Making the decision to have a child - it's momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking outside your body.
Elizabeth Stone

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Our Little Bean is a Nugget

25 Février 2011 (12 weeks)

Salut Petit Haricot, 

Tout d’abord, je tiens à m’excuser de ne pas t’avoir écrit la semaine passée. Je suis sure que tu as ressenti tout le stress qu’apportent les examens de mi-session. Bon, nous n’étions pas si stressés que ça, mais l’étude a pris une grande partie de notre temps. Donc, je n’ai pas pu t’écrire pour tes 11 semaines. En bref, tout s’est bien passé…rien de nouveau à part le fait que nous avions 2 grands examens et plusieurs travaux à remettre. C’est fini et maintenant nous sommes en semaine de lecture ce qui veut dire que toi et moi allons passer une semaine à nous reposer et à étudier tranquillement. Nous allons aussi sortir et tu vas pouvoir rencontrer des amis que tu ne connais pas encore. Ah! J’oubliais, cette semaine nous sommes aussi allés faire nos prises de sang. C’était douloureux, mais tout de même supportable. Si tout se passe bien, nous devons seulement retourner faire une prise de sang dans environ 18 semaines. Aussi, vendredi passé, papa et moi sommes allés magasiner pour te trouver plus de vêtements. Nous avons trouvés beaucoup de choses pour toi. Dont beaucoup de livres de Disney. J’ai très hâte de savoir si tu es une fille ou un garçon. J’ai rêvé hier que tu étais une petite fille, mais peu importe, je serais contente peu importe ce que tu es. Il y a tellement de choses plus importantes…mais je veux tout de même savoir si je commence à acheter des vêtements bleus ou roses. Tu sais, tu es déjà gâté, mais après tout, tu le mérites. Nous t’avons tellement attendu, c’est presque incroyable que tu sois là et que nous pourrons, espérons-le, un jour te tenir et te bercer.

Tu as tellement grandi en quelques semaines, tu es grand comme mon petit doit maintenant. Le savais-tu? Quelques personnes te diront que tu es tout petit, mais nous avons tout passé par là. Tu es parfait. N’écoute pas non plus les personnes qui te disent que tu es à peine à un bébé. Ce n’est pas vrai. À mes yeux tu es tout. Au juste, papa et moi discutions et nous pensons que tu ne peux plus être appelé ‘petit Haricot.’ Tu es en train de grandir et ce n’est plus comme au début ou tu ressemblais à une petite graine d’ haricot. Tu as un aspect plus humain maintenant et tu grandis très vite. Nous pensons t’appeler Petite Croquette. Lorsque tu seras plus grand, nous t’appellerons simplement Croquette. Ne t’inquiète pas trop si tu n’aimes pas le nom, d’ici 51 jours nous pourrons savoir ton sexe et nous t’appellerons alors Allicia ou Noah. Nous avons bien hâte, mais pour le moment tu es le seul à savoir ce que tu es. 

Grand-maman a fini ta première couverture. Elle est très jolie, tu verras. Elle est faite au crochet et elle est blanche et verte. Tu sais, je ne sais pas encore comment annoncer à tes autres grands parents que je nous t’attendons. Je suis sûre que nous trouverons un bon moyen lorsque le moment opportun sera venu. En attendant, j’essaye de ne pas trop m’exprimer publiquement sur toi. Je ne veux pas qu’ils se sentent comme s’ils étaient les derniers à savoir. Leur vie n’est pas évidente en ce moment. Je crois qu’ils seront contents de t’accueillir dans la famille. 

Je rêve souvent à toi, dans mes rêves tu es une fille. Ils semblent si réels. Grand-maman aussi a rêvé à toi, tu étais aussi une petite fille. Qui sait, peut-être que tu es bel et bien une petite fille. Pauvre grand-papa…lui qui se sent déjà entouré de tellement de filles. Tant pis pour lui!! Il t’amènera tout de même pêcher comme il le faisait avec moi et je suis certaine que tu aimeras ça. Bon petite Croquette, je t’écrirais de nouveau bientôt, mais je te parle à chaque jour et je crois t’avoir localisé…

Papa te fait dire qu’il t’aime,
Maman t’aime beaucoup aussi.

Prend bien soin de toi.
Maman et papa.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's day!!

February 14th 2011 (10 weeks 3 days)

Little Bean, Guess what?

It’s valentine’s day!!! That’s why we spent most of our day making hearts and decorating the house with them. I just wanted to let you know that it feels great to be pregnant with you on this special love day. I hope you know we love you a lot. You are the most precious person in the world to daddy and mommy.
You’re already special, can’t wait to see more of you. 

Love you,
Mommy and Daddy. 

Baby clothes!!!

February 12th 2011 (10 weeks 1 day)

Little Bean!

Guess what? We got you CLOTHES!!! Gah! I can’t wait now to hold you. Holding those tiny pieces of clothing made me so happy. I keep thinking about how small you’ll be and how much fun it will be to take care of you and to hold you. I swear you make me want to be the most amazing mommy ever!! 

I can’t wait to dress you, change you, feed you and hold you! Sounds like September is so far away. I’m trying to enjoy every single day of pregnancy (but you could stop the nausea for a bit) but I can’t wait to meet you. Mommy has to book her first ultrasound for April. I just CAN’T wait to see you. Seeing you will make us want you here faster though. Can’t you hurry up?? Just kidding….stay in there. Take your time to grow and become a very strong baby (like daddy). Meanwhile, we’ll do our best to prepare your arrival. Did I tell you that I can’t wait? This pregnancy is going to be so long!! Did you know that you will be inside of me during three seasons? Winter, spring and summer? You’ll be borderline fall. I don’t mind. Just try not to kick me in the ribs…apparently that hurts. 

Anyways, Grandma, Titia, Grandpa and I went shopping. I got you three books; Ratatouille, The incredibles and Up. I can’t wait to read them to you. They are all in French though, so you better learn the language. I’m sure you will though, no pressure. Grandma and grandpa got you a pyjama (came with a little  hat) 4 onesies, diaper cover and a few things to clean yourself. Titia got you a SUPER DUPER cute oneside, pants, hat and shoes suit of Winnie the Pooh!! Awww. You’ll look ADORABLE. 

Little Bean, I can’t wait to hold you.

Love you very much, you are mommy’s Little boy or Mommy’s little Princess.
Love you!! Mommy and Daddy

10 weeks down, 30 more to go!

February 11th 2011 (10 weeks)

Hi Little Bean,

Today was your first Doctor’s appointment. Everything looks good, you’re developing just fine, good job! We weren’t able to hear your heartbeat, but the doctor wasn’t concerned at all. He told me before trying to find the heartbeat that he wouldn’t find it. He was just checking in case I was further along. He checked to see my uterus, if it was growing properly and it is. You’re doing just great, keep doing what you’re doing because you’re doing it perfectly fine. 

Mommy also figured out something today, she has a crooked cervix. That explains why it took a while for Daddy and Mommy to conceive you. Isn’t that weird? A crooked cervix…hmm. Sounds pretty weird to me, but it’s apparently very common and it causes no complications for you to come. So we’ll be able to do that naturally. 

Daddy couldn’t come to the appointment, he was working but he will for sure be there for the first ultrasound. We really want to see you. I can’t wait to find out If you are a boy or a girl. I really have mixed feelings for this one. At first I thought boy…then girl…and now boy again. Whatever you are doesn’t matter. We will love you either way. We have decided on names. If you are a girl you will be named Alicia (not sure if it will be with one or two “l”s) If you turn out to be a boy, you will be named Noah. You will also be consecrated to the Virgin Mary. As much as mommy and daddy want to protect you, we cannot go beyond ourselves. We are humans, we wish we could be more sometimes but that’s all we are. The Virgin Mary will do a great job at watching over you and protecting you. Never lose your trust in her.  

Daddy and I both want to raise you as a good Christian. We have so many plans for you already. I can’t wait to integrate your personality to these plans. What counts is that you are happy and that you share that joy for life with people around you. You won’t realize that, but just by being a baby you will make tons of people happy. I think that a baby’s innocent smile is worth all in this world…it’s so pure and sincere. How can it not make someone happy? Now, don’t go on and break any heart….too young for that. Anyways, Daddy and I (okay fine, more Mommy) decided that you cannot date before you are at least 25. Good luck with that!
Oh, before I forget, Sonia dreamt that you were a baby boy. She was holding you and you had a big forehead….thanks god mommy- you’re just the best.

Take care Little Bean,

Mommy, Daddy and the whole family love you!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

9 weeks (and one day) of Little Bean!

5th of January 2011 (9 weeks 1 day)

Hey Little Bean,

Congrats! You are 9 weeks “old”. It’s incredible how much you’ve grew since you were inside of me though. You’re doing a pretty good job. In less than a week we have our first doctor appointment. I’m not sure what to expect but I’m sure it will make us feel better. Maybe I’ll get to hear your heartbeat…if it can go through Mommy’s big belly. 

This week was a big rough, I bet you agree. We had a lot of things to do and the weather didn’t help us at all. We had to walk through tons of snow and we know that wasn’t always easy. I think we are getting used to take the bus and the metro. We are doing much better. We also didn’t miss any class this week. Nicely done!
Daddy and I got you something yesterday, your first toy. We called him “Mr. Mouton” because he is, obviously, a sheep. He’s so big and fluffy that I’m sure you’ll love to cuddle and play around with him. Yesterday we also went grocery shopping in order to get food for a man that is in need. We got him a lot of things…I would like to raise you in such a way that you care for others and dedicate some of your time to help others. We never know what the future holds for us. We can have everything one day and nothing the next day. Please remember that.

Tomorrow we have a dinner/supper at church. We baked some chocolate cupcakes to bring tomorrow. I’m sure you tasted them (the very sweet thing we ate). Daddy made rice krispies squares. If you’re nice enough and that you ask him maybe he will make you some when you’re here. He does them pretty well. Other than that, we haven’t seen Sonia a lot, she’s been pretty busy. Grandma is doing that nice blanket for you. You’ll see it once you’re here but it’s very nice. Like we don’t know if you are a boy or a girl grandma choose to use beige and light green for the blanket. It’s adorable. She’ll also be doing a cat, bear and duck blanket. They will be so soft!! 

We are always thinking about you, 

We love you,
Mommy and Daddy.